Visits Cap is a condition that is used in Flow/Built-In Flow rule-based paths for traffic distribution.
With Visits Cap option it is possible to set a certain limit on amount of visits per offer.
A visit is registered in BeMob each time your Campaign URL is accessed.
Visits Cap option can be enabled on either flow or campaign level.
Please note that your offers should be added to BeMob beforehand.
If Flow is a destination of your campaign, Visits Cap condition should be set in flow settings:
There are 3 periods of time you can set the limit of visits for: for 1 hour, for 24 hours and for 1 month.
The value introduced in the for 1 hour field should be lower or equal the value for last 24 hours or for 1 month.
The value introduced in the for 24 hours field should be lower or equal the value for 1 month.
After the required limit of visits is set, it is required to add your offer to the path:
It is also required to add an offer to Default Path. After the limit is reached the traffic will be redirected to this path.
📌 More on flow settings see in our dedicated guide.
After your flow has been successfully created, it is required to add it to campaign settings.
If Built-In Flow is a destination of your campaign, Visits Cap condition should be set in campaign settings:
There are 3 periods of time you can set the limit of visits for: for 1 hour, for 24 hours and for 1 month.
The value introduced in the for 1 hour field should be lower or equal the value for last 24 hours or for 1 month.
The value introduced in the for 24 hours field should be lower or equal the value for 1 month.
After the required limit of visits is set, it is required to add your offer to the path:
It is also required to add an offer to Default Path. After the limit is reached the traffic will be redirected to this path.
📌 More on campaign settings see in our dedicated guide.
Before using the Visits Cap we recommend to get familiar with the common logic of this feature in BeMob.
The Visits Cap option is based on the amount of visits registered for the offer within 1 hour, 24 hours or 1 month.
Once the selected period of time has passed, the cap will be reset and the traffic will be automatically redirected to the offer added to Default Path.
If you increase the number of visits cap before reaching the limit, the changes will be applied after you save the settings.
Example: The visits cap limit on your offer is 60 visits per hour. There are 58 visits associated with this offer.
If you update the limit to 70 visits per hour, this offer will get 12 visits more. After that traffic will be automatically redirected to the offer added to Default Path.
If you decrease the number of visits cap after reaching the limit, traffic will be automatically redirected to the offer added to Default Path.
Example: The visits cap limit on your offer is 60 visits per hour. There are 58 visits associated with this offer.
If you update the limit to 57 visits per hour, traffic will be automatically redirected to the offer added to Default Path.
To redirect traffic back to the offer visits cap option is used for, it is required to increase the limit of visits.
If the current month is February (28/29 days), our system will take this into account.
If you have any questions or need the assistance with the settings, contact our support team through the live chat or at