As an owner who has registered account with BeMob you have the access to all the data and unlimited privileges.
In terms of Multi-User Access an Account Owner can:
create roles of Admin and Users.
As an Account Owner you can create unlimited number of Admins and Users.
change role settings.
As an Account Owner you can upgrade User role to Admin and the other way round.
edit access permissions for Admins and Users.
As an Account Owner you can hide the profit for Admin and User roles and change the range of available elements for Users.
To create a role go to Multi-User Access section, click on Users Management and press Create Role button.
The field with the settings will appear.
To create Admin role:
select Admin as a role;
specify Login. It will be required for Admin to access the account;
It is required to use the valid email address to create a member.
specify Name. With this name the role will be displayed in your Users Management settings.
If you wish to specify the first name and second name, separate them with the space.
turn on Two Factor Authentication, if it is required to protect the account of Admin.
This option is not obligatory, but provides with an additional security step.
If Two Factor Authentication is turned on for Admin account, it can be disabled by Account Owner only.
More details on this question can be found in our Workspaces guide.
Hide Profit and Show Conversions options for Admin are available on the Workspace level.
To limit the access to profit, conversions amount and other related metrics it is required to switch on the Hide Profit option in Workspaces settings.
If you want to show conversions to Admin even when profit and other related metrics are hidden, you should mark the Show Conversions checkbox.
After Admin role is successfully created, the password and login URL will be sent to the specified email of Admin.
The following options of editing Admin role are available:
Reset Password - allows to create a new password if there is no access to the previous one.
When you request the password reset, it will be sent to the email of Admin.
Reset 2FA allows to generate a new code for 2FA if there is no access to an app or backup codes.
Block User can be selected if you wish to restrict the access to the account for this teammate.
Role Change. Admin can be transformed into User and another way round anytime.
If you change the role of member it is required to limit or allows the access to corresponding workspace.
Name can be edited if you want to change the name of the selected role.
Two Factor Authentication can be turned on, if it is required to protect the account of Admin.
Access to the corresponding workspaces can also be edited on the role level.
Click on Remove to restrict the access to a workspace.
To create User role:
select User as a role;
specify Login. It will be required for User to access the account;
It is required to use the valid email address to create a member.
specify Name. With this name the role will be displayed in your Users Management settings.
If you wish to specify the first name and second name, separate them with the space.
turn on Two Factor Authentication, if it is required to protect the account of Admin.
This option is not obligatory, but provides with an additional security step.
If Two Factor Authentication is turned on for User account, it can be disabled by Account Owner only.
More details on this question can be found in our Workspaces guide.
Hide Profit option for User is available on the Workspace level.
To limit the access to profit, conversions amount and other related metrics it is required to switch on the Hide Profit option in Workspaces settings.
If you want to show conversions to User even when profit and other related metrics are hidden, you should mark the Show Conversions checkbox.
After User role is successfully created, the password and login URL will be sent to the specified email of User.
The following options of editing User role are available:
Reset Password - allows to create a new password if there is no access to the previous one.
When you request the password reset, it will be sent to the email of User.
Reset 2FA allows to generate a new code for 2FA if there is no access to an app or backup codes.
Block User can be selected if you wish to restrict the access to the account for this teammate.
Role Change. User can be transformed into Admin and another way round anytime.
If you change the role of member it is required to limit or allows the access to corresponding workspace.
Name can be edited if you want to change the name of the selected role.
Two Factor Authentication can be turned on, if it is required to protect the account of User.
Access to the corresponding workspaces can also be edited on the role level.
Click on Remove to restrict the access to a workspace.
User or Admin will be able to access their BeMob accounts as soon as you provide them with the following details:
User or Admin will only be able to log into the panel via the dedicated link which contains the account ID.
This Login URL is unique for each Account Owner.
If you have any questions or need the assistance with the settings, contact our support team through the live chat or at